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Join the top 1% of jobseekers

Sending resumes and getting no response? Having interviews but no offers? Not getting paid what you're worth? Let us help you.

What Do We Do?

Giving you an advantage

Our career services will position you in the top 1% of the job market. We only partner with professionals who aren't getting the job they deserve, and are truly committed to finding their next role.

What Do We Offer?

Bespoke Solutions

With the right approach, your job search won't last more than 4 weeks.

cv resume

CV Complete Rebrand

Our recruitment experience means we know exactly how to catch hiring teams attention in the UAE. We'll revamp your CV to penetrate the ATS, maximising your ability to secure an interview.


LinkedIn Optimisation

When it's done well, LinkedIn can create opportunities for you that wouldn't have otherwise been available. Every aspect of your digital profile will be improved so that jobs start finding you.

Career Consultation

You will receive a 1 to 1 consultation where we'll provide a unique solution to your job search problems. We'll tailor this plan to align with your goals, aspirations, skillset, and experience.

Mock interview

Interview Preparation

Now that you've secured an interview. We'll consult you on how to show your best self in interviews and how to answer questions in a way that'll make the interviewer have no choice but to make an offer.

What should you expect?

The Roadmap

  • Free Consultation

    We'll start by diagnosing the exact reason you've been unsuccessful in your job search. Then, we'll show you the areas where our expertise will make the difference, and advise you on how to proceed.

  • Analysis

    We'll conduct an in-depth analysis of your background, diving into your achievements, experiences, and skills. Our team will identify the nuances in your industry that will ensure you gain a competitive advantage.

  • Rebrand

    Our team will enhance your professional image and completely revamp your digital profile, spotlighting your strengths, dramatically boosting your visibility, and creating a unified brand identity.

  • Follow Up

    We're with you every step of the way, offering continued guidance as you implement your new strategies and approaches. Count on us to help you navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and secure your next position.

What Makes Us Different?

Selective Partnerships

At Professional Pyramid, we give you honest advice, even if it's tough to hear. We only partner with jobseekers who are fully invested, and if we can't add value to your job search, then we won't waste your time. Our well-rounded, diversified, recruitment experience, combined with our specialist knowledge of the UAE market, leaves you knowing you're in safe hands.

Our clients secure 1st interviews within:

0-4 Weeks
4 Weeks+
8 Weeks+

What Our Customers Have To Say

Our partners have secured interviews and roles with...

I recommend these guys, I used the CV service, they go very in depth... it's not just chucked onto a template, I gave them my gpt cv and they knew it was gpt'd straight away. They know they are doing


Got rejected by amazon, had a chat with Kev and ended up doing interview preparation the day before my eBay final round. Starting in Jan, I do UX 🙂

Zac called me about my linkedin, they fixed my profile and i started getting contacted by recruiters which is what i wanted.

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